Here is a list of Mr. Gow's recent tweets about me... four out of five mention myself and the fugitive, Mark Knapp and link to the article :

David Gow's latest tweet says the following:
More comment in City Pages' #MarkKnapp story #KenAvidor
There are two new comment(s) to the article. The first states the following:
So where's the photo of Knapp so we citizens can help capture him? Maybe Ken Avidor could could submit a perp sketch. Oh wait - after looking at his Petters trial sketches, that wouldn't help.
Well, there's a screenshot of Mark Knapp's old campaign website with a photo of him in that article.
The other anonymous comment Mr. Gow tweeted about says the following:
I never did trust that Ken Avidor. Cynicism is the easiest out. Interesting that the federal marshalls are visiting him. he just spent several weeks sitting next to his FBI buddies in federal court. Go figure. he is not one to trust
It is true that I sat next to the FBI during much of the trial, because that was the best place to sketch the witnesses. During opening and closing arguments, I sat far to the left side of the gallery to get a profile of the attorneys.
As for describing the FBI as my "buddies"... I have sent three Freedom of Information requests to the FBI for the audio and video exhibits shown in open court at the trial of Gary Dean Zimmermann.... and all three requests were rejected because the FBI said I needed a waiver from Zimmermann, which he refused to give me.
Do I support Federal investigations into economic crimes such as Ponzi schemes, bribery and identity theft? You bet I do. Do I think the investigations, trials and convictions of Gary Dean Zimmermann and Tom Petters were fair and just? Absolutely. Until Mark Knapp is apprehended, we will not know whether he is guilty of the crimes for which he has been charged. However, Mark Knapp's flight from justice is a crime. In order to apprehend Knapp, law enforcement came to my home and others... I don't have a problem with that. The Feds are working really hard to investigate and prosecute white collar crime... and they deserve our support. They have my support.
Do the PRT guys support the Fed's effort to investigate and prosecute economic crimes?
Listen to Margaret Beegle, director of Citizens for Personal Rapid Transit, a participant in the recent MNDOT PRT symposium as she accuses the FBI of setting up Gary Dean Zimmermann:
Here's Gary Carlson, the witness in the trial of Dean Zimmermann talking about Zimmermann asking him for $250,000 for PRT:
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