Joe Lampe wrote these comments: Unfortunate 1889 streetcar revival for Minneapolis & St. Paul? I've heard that Ed Anderson upset (insulted?) Mayor Ryback at a meeting some years ago, and Ryback has banished any discussion of PRT.
Another participant in the MnDOT workshop last August, would-be PRT vendor Jack Slade chimes in with this comment:
It is interesting that they will study the streetcar versus bus service, but not streetcar versus bus versus PRT service. Real foward thinking.
We should be thinking of a fitting memorial for this type of Mayor. Anybody know where we can get 100 trainloads of horse manure?
Jack Slade
Read some more of Jack Slade's greatest hits here.
Keep it KLASSY PRT promoters!

More recent PRT fiascos:
Masdar and Heathrow PRT Still Not Happening.
The Pawlenty administration wasted at least $150,000 on personal rapid transit .
PRT Conference Newsletter & Website Features PRT Plan by Convicted Felon.
PRT is so not happening at Heathrow.
Daventry says "Pods Off!".
Video: Bill James Pitches Jpods Resolution to Hennepin County.
Federal Funding Nixed for Winona Personal Rapid Transit Project
Taxi 2000 lobbyist and Bachmann pal Ed Cain also lobbied for the phony U.S. Navy Veterans Association charity.
ULTra PRT Heathrow Debut Postponed a Fourth Time.
No $25 million earmark for PRT pork project in Winona, Minnesota.
The Swedish/Korean PRT prototype malfunctioned recently in front of the media.
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